There are options for you at MCC.

Sometimes there’s more to registering than simply adding or dropping classes. We want to help you find the special registration options that apply to you.

Our goal is to help you make fully informed decisions. That’s why you’ll find explanations of the different registration options below.

Add/Drop Classes

Each semester, you can sign up for (add) or remove (drop) classes during the drop-add period. Log in to myMCC. Select the "Registration" tile, then the "Register for Classes" tile. If you need help, select the "How To Videos" tile or reference the class registration guide for current studentsEmail Registration if you need additional assistance.

Learn more about the add-drop tuition refund schedule

Auditing for MCC Students

Auditing a course means taking a class, but not getting graded or earning credit for it. While you don’t have to take any exams when auditing a course, you’re still expected to attend class, participate, and do the readings. That means even these “grade-free” classes require a commitment.

Any MCC student can audit a class with permission from the instructor. Because full tuition is charged for audited courses, we recommend connecting with an advisor to go over your options before you audit a class.

Print and fill out the Audit Course Form. Email the completed form to Registration by the following deadlines:

Semester Turn in Audit Form By
Fall and spring  End of the first Week of classes
Summer  End of the second Day of classes
Intersession  End of the first Day of classes

Auditing for Senior Citizens

If you are a senior citizen, classes at MCC are open for you to audit tuition-free, as long as there is an available seat. There is a $75 parking fee for students who will be on campus.

To audit classes as a senior citizen, you must:

  • Be 60 years of age or older
  • Be a New York State resident
  • Register for classes during the fall and spring semesters only

Spring 2025 Senior Audit registration begins Thursday, January 16th, 2025.

Get started auditing classes as a senior citizen

Course Formats: On Campus & Distance Learning

MCC will be offering face-to-face instruction, while continuing to offer robust online offerings and remote options to allow for flexibility. For the distance learning formats, students will not come to campus.

Learn more about Course Formats

Credit by exam & CLEP

We want to give you credit for your learning experiences, and we offer two ways to do that:

  • College-Level Examination Program (CLEP): CLEP lets you take exams for college credit without attending class. You can earn up to a total of 30 credits. To receive credit, you need a minimum score (which varies by subject) on the CLEP exam. For more information on CLEP exams and local test sites, see the official CLEP website or contact MCC’s Testing Services.
  • Credit by Examination: You can earn up to 36 semester hours of credit towards your degree by taking different department examinations, without taking the course. The cost to earn credit by exam is equal to the rate for one credit hour.


We have hundreds of courses at MCC; however, if you don’t see a specific class you need at MCC and you find it offered at another college, cross registration may be an option for you. 

MCC students can cross-register at another SUNY school or another Rochester Area College (RAC).

SUNY cross-registration is offered in the spring, summer and fall terms; RAC in spring and fall only. 

Tuition for the cross registered courses is paid by MCC, though you might have to pay student, technology or parking fees as required by the other institution.

Review the SUNY or RAC cross-registration guidelines for more information. Cross-registration forms are available online.

If you are a student at another college and want to take a cross registered class at MCC, start by visiting your home school's Registration office.

College Now/Dual Enrollment

MCC partners with local school districts so students can get high school and college credit for their studies. This dual enrollment gives you a jump-start on your college education and future career even before you’ve graduated.

Learn about MCC's College Now/Dual Enrollment program

Independent Study

Not all learning takes place in classrooms on campus. We believe in giving you a chance to extend your learning beyond homework assignments and tests. Independent study projects let you explore what inspires you with the advice and support of a faculty sponsor. The best part? You get credit for your out-of-classroom learning experience.

Learn more about independent study

Late Start or Varied Length Classes

Looking for a course that starts late in the semester?  Our late-start classes begin later than the first day of the term.

See our late-start courses 
Looking for a course that takes less than the full semester to complete?  Our varied length classes start at the beginning of the term, but end early.

See our varied length courses


High-demand classes often have a waitlist, an electronic list of students waiting to enroll in a class after it has “closed,” or reached maximum capacity.

Log in to myMCC to:

  • Join a waitlist
  • Check your waitlist status
  • Manage your waitlists
  • Remove yourself from a waitlist

Be sure to check your MCC student email daily to see if a seat is available for you. 

Learn more about waitlists at MCC

Withdraw Options

There are many reasons why you might need or want to withdraw. Before doing so, students should connect with their advisor. They can go over your options, especially since withdrawing can affect your financial aid, athletics eligibility, and veteran's benefits. You are responsible for 100% of tuition if you withdraw from a course(s) after the add/drop period.

Withdrawal from an Individual Course

The last day for students to withdraw from an individual course with a grade of "W" for the Spring 2025 semester is Monday, May 19, 2025. (Varied length classes may have a different withdrawal date). View late start classes and varied length classes.  The individual withdraw date is listed on the official Academic Calendar (for courses 15 weeks in length).

To withdraw from one or more of your classes (but not a complete withdrawal):

  • Log into myMCC
  • Click Registration tile
  • Click Register, Drop or Withdraw Classes tile
  • Click Register, Drop or Withdraw
  • Select the current term
  • In the Summary panel, select the class(es) and choose "withdraw" from the action menu
  • Click Submit

You can also email a withdrawal request to Registration & Records.  Please include your name, student M#, term and the specific course(s) from which you wish to withdraw.  The withdraw request will be processed as long as it is sent by the withdrawal deadline.

Complete Withdrawal from Current Semester Class(es)

The last day to process a complete withdrawal for the Spring 2025 semester is Monday, May 19, 2025.  Your instructors or advisor cannot withdraw you.  You are not officially withdrawn until this process is completed and risk receiving "F" grades for all current courses if you do not initiate a withdrawal.

If you are currently registered and wish to withdraw from all classes, you must fill out the Complete Withdrawal Intent Form by Monday, May 19, 2025.  Your withdrawal date is considered to be the date the official notification is received in the appropriate office.

If a student feels he or she has an extenuating circumstance that justifies an exception to the refund policy, he or she may file a tuition appeal.  Please refer to the tuition refund appeal process in the College Catalog. 

For more information on course withdraw, financial aid and readmission, please visit our College Catalog.

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